Thursday, September 25, 2008

Peer Review Recap, Part 1

I've created a wiki with a group of friends before to collaborate on ideas for a project we were working on.

Google Docs was not much different and is slightly easier to use (though I'm not sure as much can be done with it.)

It is more convenient to have a document sahred at google docs to review at any time and have corrections and suggestions instantly available to the other group members, but it will take some getting used to and some practice. I still would rather have a hard copy of someone's paper to look over with a good old-fashioned pen.

If you can't meet with someone in person, or using google docs is an absolute requirement then it is a nice tool to collaborate on a writing project. Making comments or corrections is not as easy online and all in the same computer text as discussing a paper in person is. I may have left out some comments that I would normally have made because it's much harder to list some ideas or corrections when you don't have a person there to discuss it with.

I would much rather have a friendly person explain to me in person what sounds unclear in my writing, or visa versa, than have to read a comment on a paper that might not only make me feel bad about my writing but it will do so with nobody around to discuss a solution with.

So yeah, GoogleDocs works fine and has its uses but I won't be using it more often than I must.

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