Monday, September 8, 2008

What is Style?

Style in writing is much like style in clothing. Just as a person may choose to wear a specific outfit to help mold the way people view them, a writer may choose to fashion their writing to help mold the way readers will interpret their writing. A person might wear a business suit for a job interview or a tuxedo for a wedding, but they probably wouldn't wear either to roast marshmallows around a campfire with friends (they might find themselves getting laughed at for such attire.) Choosing a style in writing is quite similar; A writer may use a casual and friendly tone and humor as they write a letter to a good friend, but it would not be smart to use that same casual writing style if they were writing a memo at work or making a resume.

1 comment:

Steven D. Krause said...

A potentially fine answer, but why are you behind in your postings already?